This is a test page for viewing on smart phones.

Draft (Proposed) Itinerary for 2014 Ireland trip

Each day is presented in “potential” hour to hour scheduling.  I am sure that we may modify it as we go.  The bottom line is we can do as much as we want on any given day and quit when we are tired and go to our next overnight stop.

I will provide GPS coordinates and/or websites to all the identified destinations so that you can get a chance to see them ahead of time.  To enter coordinates into Google Maps, just enter the first and second, separated with a comma.  Make sure you include periods and minus signs as presented. 

Once you see the location displayed on the screen, right click it and select “What’s here” from the pop-up menu. A small dialog box will appear in the upper left corner of the screen.  If there is an image in the dialog box, then Google has street level images of that location.  Click on it to see that imagery.

The view you will be presented is a 360 panoramic and you can change your view by clicking/holding the cursor on the screen to drag it in any direction, including up/down.  On roadway’s you will see arrows and X’s.  If you click on those, they will take you to the selected position down the road.

Also, take advantage of the satellite imagery by changing the map to that mode to see actual images of the landscape from above.